Monday, November 16, 2009

OSGi for Eclipse Developers Webinar

Today I gave an Eclipse webinar on "OSGi for Eclipse Developers" together with Chris Aniszczyk and Bernd Kolb. We talked about various OSGi things that might sound strange and/or unfamiliar to you if you come from the Eclipse way of developing applications. We talked about the relationship of Eclipse and OSGi, dependency management and why you should use Import-Package instead of Require-Bundle, dynamics with OSGi, services vs. extensions, versioning, some compendium services and tooling for OSGi. If you missed the live broadcast, you can watch the entire webinar from here again. Enjoy!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Coming Up: Eclipse Demo Camp in Hamburg at December, 4th

The Eclipse Demo Camp in Hamburg is coming up on 4th of December (its a Friday) from 6:30pm - 10pm at the stylish EAST hotel (like the past demo camps in Hamburg). And I am pretty impressed about the number of participants: We already have more than 70 people registered for the event. Wow... Maybe one of the reasons is the exciting program we put together... :-)
  • Tom Schindl will talk about Eclipse e4
  • Jan Köhnlein talks about building graphical and textual editors for your domain-specific language.
  • Jochen Krause will showcase Eclipse RAP and how you can build your rich AJAX apps using the Eclipse UI metaphors.
  • Nils Hartmann and Gerd Wütherich will share some insights into the various ways of how to realize an automated build process for OSGi and Eclipse applications.
  • And Ekkehard Gentz will show us "redview", a technology to build dynamic views for enterprise applications based on Riena, EMF and CDO.
Thanks to all the speakers who have agreed to join us in Hamburg to give demos on cool technologies - some of them travelling to Hamburg especially for the camp. Thank you all very very very much!!!

If you haven't registered yet, go to the wiki page and put your name on the list (if you have no account for the wiki, just create one or send me an email and I will put you on the list). There is no fee or ticket you need to pay for, itemis and it-agile will sponsor the event. Thank you guys for that!!!

Its a great opportunity to see the technology in action, meet with the guys building that stuff and have a chat. See you at the Demo Camp in Hamburg. Don't miss it!

Slides from WJAX Talk on Building Web-Apps with OSGi

I uploaded the slides of my talk on building web applications on top of OSGi that I gave yesterday at WJAX 2009 together with Gerd Wütherich and Peter Roßbach:
The slides are German only. Sorry about that... Hope you enjoy it anyway... :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Slides from OSGi Best Practices and OSGi Performance Bloopers talks at WJAX 2009

Here are the slides of my two talks that I gave today at the WJAX conference in Munich: