Friday, November 11, 2011

Conference Slide Updates

I went to four conferences over the past weeks, talking about various topics around the Spring and Eclipse tooling universe. All the talks included a number of live demos, so just looking at the slides doesn't give you the full experience and content of the talk. But anyway, I uploaded the slides for those who want to take a look:
  • SpringOne 2011: Spring Tooling Update - New and Noteworthy (pdf, slideshare)
  • JAX London 2011: WaveMaker - Spring Roo - SpringSource Tool Suite - Choosing the right tool for the right job (pdf, slideshare)
  • EclipseCon Europe 2011: All about Virgo (pdf, slideshare)
  • WJAX 2011: WaveMaker - Spring Roo - SpringSource Tool Suite - Choosing the right tool for the right job (pdf, slideshare)

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